I recently completed a double MA/MSc degree split between the London School of Economics (LSE) and the University of Southern California (USC). As part of this degree program, I authored two year-long media-focused research projects, details below:
Wild Fang’s Wild Feminist Tee (@Wildfang).
At The LSE, my dissertation focused on value-driven purchase decisions, specifically the choice to spend money on feminist-themed apparel. The pilot study was conducted by 1:1 interview with women who had purchased Wild Fang “Wild Feminist” items and posted to Instagram wearing the item. It was conducted over 6 months, and coded thematically. Paper available upon request.
Making signs for the Women’s March in London.
At USC, my thesis project focused on a combination of survey analysis and focus groups on the state of the broadcast news media, and the way it affects women specifically when looking at issues beyond representation, such as negative valence, conflict and chaos.