It's been a perfect autumn (still trying out the word at the behest of English friends, it won't stick) week weather-wise, living up to what the first week of school should feel like.
The past week was full of more questions than answers, and full of head-scratching administrative process. Even the professors seem confused as to why things work the way they do here. Classes themselves, on the other hand, started off well, though I am already drowning in reading. I've always suspected that most academic writing is purposefully evasive, a suspicion that arose again during this week's readings. A real slog, but I'm sure it'll get easier. This term my classes are in media theory, globalization, journalism critique, research and statistics. It's a heavy load but very interesting.
I've been taking runs to and around Regent's Park via the Regent's Canal Towpath. The canals are really interesting, part of London's revitalization efforts, though there are still house boats and the water looks absolutely terrible. I found a yoga studio nearby, and will probably join the LSE gym when the weather turns for something closer to school.
It's difficult with my apartment over St. Pancras station to focus on much other than the fact that I could be on a train to Paris in 10 minutes, but I've resisted so far. I have a trip coming up in 2 weeks to Marrakech for a friend's wedding, which will be great.
I'll write more about classes as we get further into it, and make sure to pass along any relevant things to read. The goal today is to read more, and then to go see what's on at the Tate Modern later on. xx